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Course Description
Astronomy 2020: Space Astronomy and Space Exploration covers physical principles of performing astronomy and human exploration in space. The basic design of launch vehicles and spacecraft, orbital dynamics, and instruments will be described in the context of specific space missions (e.g., Hubble Telescope, Mars rovers, other planetary probes) as well as prospects for future space observatories in orbit and on the Moon. The balance between technology and science, humans and robots, as well as near-term and long-term exploration destinations will be discussed. Astronomy 2020 is an excellent introduction to space science and space engineering for first or second year undergraduates. This class is approved for the campus Space Minor and the Arts and Sciences core curriculum: natural science.
Professor Jack Burns, Ph.D.
Department of Astrophysical & Planetary SciencesOffice: Stadium Rm 120B
Office Hours: Tuesday 11-12, Wednesday 1-2 pm, or by appointment
Phone: 303-735-0963